Loch Ness, A New Book Written by Adrian Shine

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Pages from " Young Loch Ness Explorers" by Maralyn Shine. Return to previous page
Loch Ness Explorer WAves
Loch Ness is like a giant bath tub!.
Crack the secret code to find out
what is unusual about Loch Ness.
Loch Ness Monster Underwater
Read who really does live in Loch Ness,
and where they hang out. Now search
for who really shouldn't be there!
Loch Ness Explorer Ma
The "famous who, what and where" map.
Plus search out all the hidden
Loch Ness Explorer Draw
The Kelpie or Waterhorse legend ... join the dots
to see. Use Nessa's guide to help draw, scale
and colour your Nessa.
Loch Ness Hoax
True or Fake? Read "how they did that"
to complete the wordsearch.
Loch Ness Explorer Mazes
The" who's eating who" of Loch Ness.
Follow the 2 mazes to see what beasties are on the Loch Ness menu!
Loch Ness Monsters
Loch Ness Monsters or something else?
What do you think you are seeing here?

Loch Ness Explorer inside front
Glossary and introduction by
Adrian Shine of the Loch Ness Project
Loch Ness Explorer Expedition
What could the Loch Ness Monster be?
How would you find it?What would you use? Make your own plan.
Loch Ness Explorers Timelines
Famous people and events are mixed up!
Put them in order to make your expert's
Loch Ness time-line.
Loch Ness Explorers Time line 2
Following on the time-line teaser of
expeditions and equipment at the loch.
Put everything in its right place!

Loch Ness Explorers Measuring
Measure how far you live from Loch Ness and read on to become a
Loch Ness Expert.

  Loch Ness Monster Project
Your chance to make up your mind
and maybe tell the Loch Ness Project!

Buy Young Loch Ness Explorers


1. Monster Loch
How far you live from Loch Ness!
Be a Loch Ness expert with all the facts
TheLoch Ness Mapof whodid what, where and when..
Spot the hidden monsters.

2.Myths and Tricks
The legend of the Waterhorse or Kelpie and join the dots to see him!
The Nessa story with a guide to copy, scale and colour her shape.
Jokes and hoax , truth and fakes. See how the most famous hoax happened.
Wobbly Wordsearch - Read the "Facts and Fakes" then find the words.

3. Curious Ness
Do you believe what you are seeing?
Can you recognise our Loch Ness monsters?
Loch Ness is like a giant bath tub.
Crack our secret code to see how this monster bath tub holds some unusual secrets!

4. Menu for a Monster
Who's eating who and where they live.
Follow our mazes to see what's on the Loch Ness menu!
Loch Ness life-style shows the underwater world and who is at home.
Can you see who doesn't belong there and why?

5. Loch Ness Expeditions
and Timeline
Time-line Teasers!
Pictures of famous people, events and special equipment are all mixed up!
Put the the pictures and words in order to make your expert Loch Ness Timeline.

6. My Loch Ness Project
Could the Loch Ness monster be one of these animals?
What do you think?
What equipment would you choose to hunt the Loch Ness Monster?
Make your plan.
If it's a new and good idea we'll print it on our website and you will win a Loch Ness book!

  Buy Young Loch Ness Explorers